My interest in art began in college where I majored in architecture and Rico Lebrun and Jerald Silva are two of the artists I have continued to admire since those days. Although I have done a little drawing and painting over the years it is only recently that I have begun to draw in earnest. I find that my technical proficiency is not on par with my compositional visions so this disparity is something I am consciously attending to. I am primarily working on three different theme sets of drawings: old architectural elements, organic imagery, and multiple human figures I’ll post examples from each set separately starting with the architectural elements this time. These weather-worn artifacts are often wonderfully formed and marked by the stories of their history. It is this characteristic that I pursue in drawing them.
Giant Ventilator |
Old Sliding Doors |
Derelict Kiln |
Patched Up Opening |
Broken Window |
Manny |
Very nice Obie.