Friday, May 1, 2015

Latest Show

 Saturday April 2nd is the opening reception for a show of Obie’s drawings at Studio 391 in Gualala.  The show will be up until June 8th and includes three cardboard models to help give some architectural ambiance.  Following is the Architect/Artist’s Statement and a sampling of the drawings exhibited:



This exhibition samples a career's worth of drawings spanning from my student days in the 1960s to my mature days in the 21st century.  All images (but one) are originals.

I have always marveled at great draftsmanship – whether it be in the form of construction drawings, quick conceptual sketches, finished renderings, or works of fine art.  The intent of all drawing is to communicate visually that which cannot be adequately conveyed otherwise – my architectural sketches and illustrations usually depict a sense of the overall character of places yet to be built, an indication of the big idea, and how it might be realized.

Many of the drawings are related to the rhythms of nature, influences of our primeval DNA, and notions of co-existence with fellow life forms.  Most drawings begin with at least the germ of a compositional idea and evolve from there – often evolving and taking on their own growth pattern as the work proceeds.

The drawing technique is predominantly pen and ink, although graphite, marker, and ink or watercolor wash are sometimes used.  The specific approach becomes an important partner with the representational aspects of the work…  Some drawings are inclined more in one direction than others, but ultimately the reality of each particular drawing is simply that “It is itself.”

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